Title: Intertextual Pairing: Junsu/Changmin Rating: Gen Summary: Changmin doesn't like sharing some things. Author's Notes: For the 'vulnerability' challenge at dbsk_flashfic.
Title: Things That Go Bump in the Night Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun/Junsu Rating: PG Summary: Junsu vs. the crane fly. Author's Notes: For the 'phobia' challenge at dbsk_flashfic.
Title: ici c'est nous les rois Pairing: Yunho/Yoochun/Junsu; OT5 Rating: PG Summary: A free day, in Paris. Author's Notes: ranalore betaed. Written for keiko_kirin in the holiday fic exchange at nuna_fanworks.
Title: In Equal Measure Pairing: Jaejoong/Junsu(/Yoochun) Rating: PG Summary: Junsu needs to ask Jaejoong something. Author's Notes: A birthday kiss for Junsu.
Title: if love didn't take so many years Pairing: Yunho/Junsu Rating: PG Summary: A prize one could wreck one's peace for. Author's Notes: For the 'two songs' challenge at dbsk_flashfic.